Drug Abuse Problem of International Students Studying in China

Drug Abuse Problem of International Students Studying in China

China is not free from drug abuse problems and drug use – just like every other country in the world. And just like in most countries – excessive drug consumption is considered a young person’s domain largely – specifically for students. Students tend to be surrounded by other people their age and are thus exposed to increased peer pressure and possible exposure to narcotics or harmful stimulants.

There is a harmful stereotype against foreign students that they are the primary group taking part in this antisocial behavior; foreign students are believed to be the main culprits in dealing with drugs across Chinese campuses. This is not to say that international students are immediately related to drugs, but if you wish to avoid any accusation or punishment – it is advisable that you completely avoid consumption or handling of any drugs.

Chinese Relevant Law and Regulations on Drug Control

According to the relevant provision of Article 357 of the Criminal Law Of the People’s Republic of China: The term “narcotic drugs” as used in this Law means opium, heroin, methyl aniline (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine and other narcotic and psychotropic substances that can make people addicted to their use and are controlled under State regulations.

According to the relevant provision of Article 72 of the Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People’s Republic of China: Anyone who commits taking or injecting any drug shall be detained for not less than ten days but not more than 15 days, and maybe concurrently fined not more than 2,000 yuan. If the circumstances are relatively lenient, he (she) shall be detained for not more than five days or shall be fined not more than 500 yuan.

According to the relevant provision of Article 32 of Narcotics Control Law of the People’s Republic of China: The public security organ may make necessary testing on drug addict suspects, and such suspects shall accept the testing; if anyone refuses to accept the testing, a compulsory testing on him is allowed upon the approval of the person in charge of the public security organ of the people’s government at or above the county level or its dispatched office.

If a student is found with any drugs in their possession it is a given that they will be expelled from the college – if there are any previous drug-related offenses found on the student’s application – the application will be rejected.
There is a stringent policy against narcotics in China – any student who wishes to delve into this world risks losing their educational possibilities and future – it is simply not worth the risk.

Not only is drug-use ground s for being expelled but it is also the reason for being arrested. You risk being imprisoned if you are found with drugs on your person or in your system.
Your whole life could come to a halt and be permanently changed due to accepting drugs of someone. Addiction rates in China among international students are relatively high, and you should not wish to become part of that statistic.

Avoid drugs at all cost and continue with your studies.